Staking slots

Earn a fixed monthly return with our staking slots – simply deposit your funds into them. These slots operate for 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, or 2 years. Additionally, miners in 1-year and 2-year slots will receive a one-time bonus upon payout!

How Staking Slots Work – In a Nutshell

Simply choose one of four staking slot options based on the mining duration and deposit your funds. The slots trade on the exchange during the selected period, and we credit your chosen slot with 0.5% or 1% monthly returns . Once the mining period ends, your original deposit will be returned to your XDIGR wallet.

You can join staking slots at any point during the mining period. Your funds start earning interest from the second day after the deposit, and monthly returns are credited on the 1st day of the following month. You can also exit a staking slot early (withdraw your deposit before the mining ends); however, a 5% cancellation fee will be deducted from your deposit.



You’ll never lose your deposit – we cover any losses.

Fixed Returns

Fixed Returns

Earn monthly interest on your deposit.

From Just 100 CZK

From Just 100 CZK

Minimum deposit starts at only 100 CZK.



Our professional traders handle all slot operations (trades).



Get an extra reward for deposits into 12- or 24-month slots.

Interesting Fact: Staking slots, formerly savings slots, offer a fixed interest rate with no risk compared to standard slots. And why the name “staking slots”? This term better reflects how these slots function on the exchange compared to the original name.

Staking slots work by allowing you to deposit money for a set period (reducing the need to actively trade in other slots), and we trade with these funds on the exchange, for which you earn interest. The platform, or more precisely its operator, also has its own reserve fund, which is used to cover any losses and even ensure interest payouts if performance ever falls short. Profits above 1% are our reward, and part of them is set aside for the mentioned reserve fund.

And what about bonuses? If you deposit into a staking slot for one or two years, the bonus is yours!

Slot Variant Fixed Returns Staking Duration Staking Bonus Total Return
Staking slot 3M 6 % p.a. 3 months 0.00 % of deposit 1.5 %
Staking slot 6M 12 % p.a. 6 months 0.00 % of deposit 6.0 %
Staking slot 12M 12 % p.a. 12 months 0.50 % of deposit 12.5 %
Staking slot 24M 12 % p.a. 24 months 1.00 % of deposit 25.0 %

Interesting Fact: Staking slots remain open for miners’ deposits throughout the entire mining period, allowing you to make smaller deposits every month if you wish. Each deposit you make will be paid out to your wallet at the end of the slot’s pre-set mining duration (3, 6, 12, or 24 months from the date of deposit).

Staking Slot Offer

Guaranteed Return
6% p.a.
Staking Bonus


CZK 209,361

Currently mining

16 Miners


Mining duration

91 Days

Mining Status

Mining in Progress

Guaranteed Return
12% p.a.
Staking Bonus


CZK 5,086,566

Currently mining

75 Miners


Mining duration

182 Days

Mining Status

Mining in Progress

Guaranteed Return
12% p.a.
Staking Bonus


CZK 1,083,627

Currently mining

32 Miners


Mining duration

365 Days

Mining Status

Mining in Progress

Guaranteed Return
12% p.a.
Staking Bonus


CZK 269,474

Currently mining

30 Miners


Mining duration

730 Days

Mining Status

Mining in Progress

Examples for Better Understanding

Directly into my XDIGR wallet, I receive 50 CZK monthly for 3 months, which I can freely use (reinvest into a slot, withdraw, etc.). At the end of the mining period, I receive my deposit back into my wallet. In total, I earn 150 CZK in 3 months , equivalent to an annual return of 1.5% p.a.

Directly into my XDIGR wallet, I receive 100 CZK monthly for 6 months, which I can freely use (reinvest into a slot, withdraw, etc.). At the end of the mining period, I receive my deposit back into my wallet. In total, I earn 600 CZK in 6 months, equivalent to an annual return of 12% p.a.

Directly into my XDIGR wallet, I receive 100 CZK monthly for 12 months, which I can freely use (reinvest into a slot, withdraw, etc.). At the end of the mining period, I receive my deposit back into my wallet. In total, I earn 1,200 CZK in 1 year, plus a bonus of 0.5% p.a. on the deposit amount, which is 50 CZK. Altogether, I earn 1,250 CZK in 1 year, equivalent to an annual return of 12.5% p.a.

Directly into my XDIGR wallet, I receive 100 CZK monthly for 24 months, which I can freely use (reinvest into a slot, withdraw, etc.). At the end of the mining period, I receive my deposit back into my wallet. In total, I earn 2,400 CZK in 2 years, plus a bonus of 1% p.a. on the deposit amount, which is 200 CZK. Altogether, I earn 2,600 CZK in 2 years, equivalent to an annual return of 13.0% p.a.

What You Often Ask About

Regular slots in our offering have potentially higher returns, even over shorter periods (day, week). However, they also carry the risk of ending in a loss (always with a clearly defined limit).

In contrast, staking slots are for 6 months, 1 year, or 2 years, during which your deposit accrues a fixed 1% interest each month. The return is just 1% per month, but the amount is regularly credited to your wallet, meaning you take no risks. Additionally, with 1- or 2-year slots, you receive a bonus!

You can deposit a larger amount into staking slots at once, multiple smaller amounts, or even send smaller amounts every month. The choice is entirely yours. The advantage of smaller deposits lies in the fact that a withdrawal from a staking slot can only be made in full, and the withdrawal is subject to a fee.

If you send a larger deposit into a staking slot at once and later need these funds, you can only withdraw this larger deposit in full with a cancellation fee.

However, if you make multiple deposits gradually (whether all at once or monthly), you can then make a partial withdrawal—meaning you can withdraw funds from specific individual deposits while the remaining funds will continue to accrue interest.

Your original deposit (or deposits) will be returned depending on the type of staking slot: after 6 months, 1 year, or 2 years, or at the end of mining for the defined duration. For example, if you deposit into a staking slot that mines for 6 months but make the deposit 2 months after mining has started, your deposit will be returned after 4 months.

Afterward, your original deposit will be credited to your XDIGR wallet, allowing you to either reinvest the funds into staking slots or explore the regular slot offerings.

If you deposit into a staking slot for 1 year or 2 years, you will receive the promised bonus. This bonus will be credited to your XDIGR wallet at the same time your original deposit is returned after 1 year or 2 years.

No, with staking slots, you can only request a withdrawal of the entire deposit, or the specific order. If you anticipate that you might need to withdraw part of the funds deposited into a staking slot, we recommend making deposits in smaller parts as separate orders from the beginning. Deposits from these individual orders can then be withdrawn separately, but always in full.

For example, if you deposit 10,000 CZK into a 1-year staking slot, you can only withdraw this full 10,000 CZK during the staking period, subject to a cancellation fee. However, if you deposit 10 individual amounts of 1,000 CZK into the staking slot, you will be able to withdraw each of these deposits separately.

A miner can withdraw their deposit from a staking slot at any time, but it is subject to a fee. Any monthly returns already credited will remain with the miner; however, a 5% cancellation fee will be charged for early withdrawal of the deposit. The notice period for processing the withdrawal is 1 month.

If the miner requests a withdrawal from the staking slot by the last day of a given month, the deposit minus the fee will be returned, and they will also receive interest for the final month.

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